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With the increase in the number of people using scooters to travel around cities, there is also a growing number of dangerous attacks. The amount of acid attacks have been rising in recent years, causing severe damage to victims face and bodies, leaving irreversible psychological damage. In this blog we will be discussing the recent acid attacks within London, and how the government is trying to reduce the effects.

Acid Attacks In London:

There has been an increasing rise in the amount of acid attacks, especially in London throughout the recent months. One of the most extreme attacks occurred on July 13th, with two men riding a moped, throwing acid on five different people, in less than 90 minutes, throughout East London.

Despite mopeds and other vehicles being a common way of travel for attackers, there are also many acid attacks that have happened without. In total, since the 19th June in 2017, there have been 11 major acid attacks in London, with at least 18 people falling victim, including pregnant women.

There are many different locations of these crimes, from city streets, to nightclubs, where the busy space causes even more risk and damage to those close proximity to the attack.

Prevention From These Attacks:

It is hard to prevent damage during an acid attack, however police officers are now provided with acid crime response kits, which can help to reduce the amount of damage caused from the attacks. Considering how these are mandatory for police shows a more serious concern with the number of attacks, with the number of attacks doubling since between 2015 and 2016.

Police have worked tirelessly to explore potential motives, discovering links between acid attacks and organised crime. Since many suspects from these attacks are teenagers and young adults, the police are providing education to students about the dangers of acid attacks and the damage it can cause someone.

What Security Measures can You Take?

Hiring security staff can ensure your safety against any form of chemical attack, helping you to feel more at ease. In addition to this, hiring surveillance and alarms can all help to support you, notifying you and the police of any suspicious activity within the area. Making sure that you are staying safe through busy areas, can help to reduce the spread of any possible attack.

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If you are looking for high quality security services and responsive security personnel, then get in contact with us today!

Email us at INFO@VIPSEC.AT, or call us on 01268 526212.

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